NIA Intro
Nuviso Symphony Interlude Automation Suite (NIA) Product Line
Symphony Interlude is a key component of Nuviso Symphony Suite that offers a programmable interface to traditional networking gear without any forklift or image upgrades.
Extensible device plugins
Interlude is extensible to support more devices by implementing plugins that provide a mapping from a southbound (like CLI, NETCONF, SNMP) to yang. These include support for feature configuration and retrieval of operational data like inventory, topology and statistics. These plugins can be specified at a platform level or have specific overrides per device. The plugins can be hot-deployed to support newer devices without any downtime. The plugins use a declarative language thus allowing support for newer plugins without having to perform a software update.
Device Management
Interlude supports discovery of an existing network by multiple methods. Once discovered, each device is managed using a state machine that executes inventory, topology and other operational commands as specified by a plugin relevant to the device. The outcomes of these operations are stored in a yang modelled data-stores. Any of these operations have ability to be scheduled at regular intervals.
Standard yang data models
Interlude uses standard OpenConfig/IETF yangs to model operational and configuration data for all device features. The northbound supports RESTCONF driven by the standard yangs. Interlude maintains two separate data stores – configuration and operational to distinguish between the user’s input and the actual network state.
Northbound applications
Interlude RESTCONF APIs maybe invoked by any OSS/BSS in the Service Fulfillment workflows. Or any intent driven application may use the REST API to implement the intent interpretation.
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+408 834-4435